If you’re into meditation (or indeed if you’re not), tune in to this 15-minute coffee break podcast which is all about meditation.
Bassanti had the pleasure of speaking to Ralf Schreiber, CEO of Qfour.ai about all things meditation, busting some myths on what it is and isn’t as well as talking about the science behind it and about how you can incorporate meditation into your work day.
The key is to think of it as a concentration exercise in order to train the brain’s pathways in the way you would muscles in the gym.
Qfour.ai’s “Coffee Break Podcast” is a 15-minute audio boost, blending soft skills insights with tech trends. Designed for your coffee break, it offers quick, impactful knowledge. So grab yourself a cuppa (it’s okay if you choose tea 😉), plug in, sip and learn about business and wellbeing!
In even more exciting news: Ralf and Bassanti realised that there is much more to say about meditation and corporate wellbeing than you could possibly pack into 15 minutes, so they are starting a long-form podcast which will explore meditation and wellbeing in more detail.
For those who might find their ramblings a bit much, there is a trade-off: at the end of each podcast, there will be a little practice of what they’ve been talking about. So if that’s all you care to do: no judgment, you can go straight to the meditation. Watch this space!!