Pathak Yoga
Making employees healthier and employers happier through body and breath awareness – in your office or live online
Making employees healthier and employers happier through body and breath awareness – in your office or live online
The two biggest reasons for staff absences are mental health and back problems.
A 2020 Deloitte study found that for every £1 an employer spends on mental health initiatives, the employer gets £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover.
We come to you, so you don’t lose time going anywhere for your yoga class. We improve companies’ corporate health and wellbeing by making your working day easier and more efficient. We’re not up in the clouds but down to earth and we look forward to seeing you there.
We combine the physical Yoga practice with Pranayama breathing and meditation, scientifically proven to treat and prevent stress-related disorders. We won’t tell you how beautiful your inner self is but will focus on the fact that you may have been sitting at a desk for eight hours and need to relax, unwind and give your back a break.
Not every company has shower/change facilities or space/time to lay out mats. Whether mat or chair yoga, we will improve your strength & flexibility, work your muscles and stretch your connective tissue without causing pain. We’ll reduce mental & physical stress and help your concentration, memory, health, productivity and morale.